Nov 16, 2009

Photo-realistic illustration: Razor

So, I've been working on my sophomore portfolio and thought I would add this. I created this image using Illustrator and based the illutstration off of a photo. The intent of the project was to create an illustration that was photo-realistic. This piece is not perfect, but I think it will work. You are probably thinking, what an odd choice of object.........right? Well I chose this object becasue of the many types of materials; plastic, rubber, metal, they are all in there.

Nov 9, 2009


This is another CGT-341 project. We were given the character and the sound. The assignment was to make the character move and talk with the sound. I'm looking for some feedback, thanks!

CGT-341 LipSync

Nov 5, 2009

Tamika Catchings in Text

I've been working on this project to fill a spot in my Sophomore portfolio for CGT-111. It's not complete but I would like some feedback.

Solidworks "table scene"

This is a project I've been working on using Solidworks. I modeled all of the objects and applied all of the textures. Very simple, but I thought it was a good exercise.

Nov 2, 2009

Expressions CGT-341

This is a project for CGT-341. I attempted to create the six basic emotions; surprise, joy, anger, sadness, fear and disgust. I'm okay with the outcome but not impressed. I should have spent more time on it.

Oct 23, 2009

IF "Frozen"

So, this was one of the first images that came to mind for the Illustration Friday topic, "frozen".

The image is of a frozen tree. My style of choice is very sketchy and free flowing. I wanted to create the image very quickly to see how my creative mind thinks. I could spend more time on it to improve the look, but I like the simple, sketchy feel.

Oct 7, 2009

Ballie Obstacle Course

This is a work in progress. There are obvious scene imperfections, but I mostly focused on animating the character. The process of learning animation has been quite stressful but I can see vast improvements from my first attempts. I will post my first animation (walk cycle/walk move) attempts later.

Sep 20, 2009

CGT-341 "Ball and Box"

okay, so after viewing some projets submitted by others in my class, who's names I will not reveal, I feel a little bit on the average side. Oh well, it just shows that I need to spend more time on my projects and less time watching football. I know I need to spend more time learning lighting and I need to push the actual animation or movement of the characters more. It's like I said before, pretty average.

CGT-341 "Ball and Box"

So after viewing my peers projects I find it difficult to add this post. But here is my attempt att animating a ball and a box. I used 3Ds Max and Adobe Affter Effects. I need to get some help with lighting.

Sep 1, 2009

CGT-341 "Helium, Lead, Rubber"

Wow, what a long summer it was. When I first opened 3D Studio Max, I wasn't sure if I remembered a thing that I learned from less than 4 months ago. This project did not turn out perfect, but it was a nice reintroduction to 3D Studio Max.

May 10, 2009

Character Design

Oops, I forgot to post the colored final of my character design.

Apr 22, 2009

cleaned up animation test "Zoey"

So, I've cleaned up the walk cycle. Took a bit of time, but I'm happy with it so far.

3 second Animation Test

There are obvious flaws, but I'm excited to see my characters move.

Mar 21, 2009

AFS corporate branding brochure

This is my first unfinished attempt
for the front cover, back and inside fold.
Please provide some feedback.

Feb 28, 2009

Veer Web Interface Design

How can I make this one better?

Feb 24, 2009

Web Interface: Veer

How can I make this better?

Feb 11, 2009

final CD album art design

So, I really struggled with this project. As you will notice not much is the same from my original idea. I am okay with that. If nothing else I learned about a lot of tools in photoshop.

Feb 9, 2009

CD Album Art

I think the title needs to be larger and I think the music notes need more contrast. Please let me know what you think.

Jan 28, 2009

Virtual Mind: Illustration Friday "Climbing"

I made a few changes. enlarged the figure and added some shadows to give the ladder depth. It helps a little but no major improvement.

Illustration Friday "Climbing"

So, climbing.............hmmmmmmmm. All I can think about is trying to climb the corporate ladder. So my image represents my path to the top of my current corporate ladder.